We knew this one was coming!

21 03 2009

I know that Sarah Palin has been waiting ever-so-patiently for our brilliant orator of a President to make a gaffe!  And this particular fumble definitely hit close to home for the caribou barbie.  (Her son Trig was born with down syndrome last year.)

While being interviewed on the Jay Leno show, President Obama made a joke by equating his poor bowling skills to that of the Special Olympics.

What do you think about Prez O’s joke?

Never thought I’d live to see the day

9 11 2008

The day we’d see a Black President in the White house.  But on Wednesday night it happened.  We did it!  The youth vote came through and people have begun to see the start of a new movement – the young voter revolution.  I was absolutely shocked to hear the news.  We watched the results come in state by state on top of the Omni Hotel in San Antonio.  Even at my young age, I really had absolutely no idea this would happen in my lifetime.  I’m absolutely speechless.  This is a historic moment and I’m VERY proud to be American.

The whole world was watching and waiting for the results.  Our friends around the globe are so proud that we made the right choice…

Who are these people?!

8 10 2008

I want to know who these undecided voters are. Where are they?? And most importantly: HOW CAN YOU BE UNDECIDED ABOUT CANDIDATES WHO’VE BEEN CAMPAIGNING FOR 2 FRIKKIN’ YEARS?!

I mean seriously, what are people waiting for? Ever since the primaries and up until this very day, McCain and Obama have been debating the same positions on the SAME issues. What else is there to say? Nothing more can be said. Are people waiting for an ephiphany to come to them in a dream? I have no idea what anyone could possibly be undecided about. I’m baffled.