Who are these people?!

8 10 2008

I want to know who these undecided voters are. Where are they?? And most importantly: HOW CAN YOU BE UNDECIDED ABOUT CANDIDATES WHO’VE BEEN CAMPAIGNING FOR 2 FRIKKIN’ YEARS?!

I mean seriously, what are people waiting for? Ever since the primaries and up until this very day, McCain and Obama have been debating the same positions on the SAME issues. What else is there to say? Nothing more can be said. Are people waiting for an ephiphany to come to them in a dream? I have no idea what anyone could possibly be undecided about. I’m baffled.

Just say no

2 10 2008

A little reverse psychology to get the young vote..

The Russians are coming!!

26 09 2008

I can see the Russians coming and I’m still inside my house! VP here I come!

Bill Maher clowns Palin. Hilarious!

1 09 2008