The Oscars: Fashion hits!

23 02 2009



Angelina…need I say more?


The Hollywood newbie – Freida Pinto.  Scores with this dress!


Kate Winslet – looking better than ever.  Fit and fab.  Great hair too!


Anne Hathaway – flawless!


Robert Pattison – cleaned up from his everyday grungy look.  Very nice!


Penelope Cruz – looks like she came straight out of a fairy tale! So pretty!


Natalie Portman – so simple and elegant.  Beautiful!


Marisa Tomei – the train on that dress is killer!


SJP – looking great.  Dress looks perfect on her and we love the new darker locks!


Robert Downey Jr. – Finally looking cleaned up!  He even looks 10 years younger, very nice.


Miss Alicia Keys – the songstress was looking sultry and sophisticated tonight. A+++!

The (Fashion) winners

23 02 2009

They didn’t win Oscars, but they won in other categories!

Winner of the Hottest couple Award.

Brangelina!  Always looking perfect…


My number #1 pic of the night!  Winner of the Best Dressed award.

Heidi Klum was looking FIERCE on the carpet!! MEEEE-OW!! Very futuristic, yet elegant.  Love this look.

Miss Heidi also gets points for lighting up the joint.  Look at that radiant smile!  Other attendees should take a cue from her – you don’t have to be so mellowdramatic on the red carpet!  We love Heidi!

Update:  other blogs/websites have blasted this dress as one of the worst of the evening, but I still think it was the best.  Very fashion forward.  Not every dress has to be the typical ball gown…very boring!  Kudos to Heidi for changing things up a bit!

Winner of the WORST Dressed award goes to Whoopi Goldberg!  I’m sure she picked this outfit all on her own!


The winner of The Largest Bow to Ever Appear on a Dress award goes to Jessica Biel!



Winner of the Most Inappropriate Hatpiece to wear at an Awards Ceremony!  Phillip Seymour Hoffman is planning to hold up a liquor store later…

The Oscars: Fashion Don’ts!

23 02 2009

Absolutely tragic..

This dress reeks of Tina Knowles. B’s Momma always designs the most atrocious looking garbs! Poor Beyonce looks like a couch!


Mickey, always looking greasy and disheveled!


Simple is sometimes the best way to go. This dress is just too much for a young girl to bear!


Vanessa Hudgens – again, another young’in who has overdone their look.  Horrible!


Sophia Lauren – How can a Hollywood vet get it so wrong? Ms. Lauren looks like she’s made out of leather and the dress almost matches her skin color.  She should have passed on this dress!