Another bomb for Courteney Cox

21 03 2009
Courteney Cox Arquette starring in new ABC sitcom

Courteney Cox Arquette starring in new ABC sitcom

With a title like Cougartown, it can’t be anything else but a flop.  After a disaster of a show like Dirt, you’d think Mrs. Arquette would make better career moves.  The term “cougar” has been lavishly overused and frankly, we’re over it.  Obviously the TV execs didn’t get the memo.  We give it half a season before it gets canned!

The Oscars: Fashion hits!

23 02 2009



Angelina…need I say more?


The Hollywood newbie – Freida Pinto.  Scores with this dress!


Kate Winslet – looking better than ever.  Fit and fab.  Great hair too!


Anne Hathaway – flawless!


Robert Pattison – cleaned up from his everyday grungy look.  Very nice!


Penelope Cruz – looks like she came straight out of a fairy tale! So pretty!


Natalie Portman – so simple and elegant.  Beautiful!


Marisa Tomei – the train on that dress is killer!


SJP – looking great.  Dress looks perfect on her and we love the new darker locks!


Robert Downey Jr. – Finally looking cleaned up!  He even looks 10 years younger, very nice.


Miss Alicia Keys – the songstress was looking sultry and sophisticated tonight. A+++!

The (Fashion) winners

23 02 2009

They didn’t win Oscars, but they won in other categories!

Winner of the Hottest couple Award.

Brangelina!  Always looking perfect…


My number #1 pic of the night!  Winner of the Best Dressed award.

Heidi Klum was looking FIERCE on the carpet!! MEEEE-OW!! Very futuristic, yet elegant.  Love this look.

Miss Heidi also gets points for lighting up the joint.  Look at that radiant smile!  Other attendees should take a cue from her – you don’t have to be so mellowdramatic on the red carpet!  We love Heidi!

Update:  other blogs/websites have blasted this dress as one of the worst of the evening, but I still think it was the best.  Very fashion forward.  Not every dress has to be the typical ball gown…very boring!  Kudos to Heidi for changing things up a bit!

Winner of the WORST Dressed award goes to Whoopi Goldberg!  I’m sure she picked this outfit all on her own!


The winner of The Largest Bow to Ever Appear on a Dress award goes to Jessica Biel!



Winner of the Most Inappropriate Hatpiece to wear at an Awards Ceremony!  Phillip Seymour Hoffman is planning to hold up a liquor store later…

The Oscars: Fashion Don’ts!

23 02 2009

Absolutely tragic..

This dress reeks of Tina Knowles. B’s Momma always designs the most atrocious looking garbs! Poor Beyonce looks like a couch!


Mickey, always looking greasy and disheveled!


Simple is sometimes the best way to go. This dress is just too much for a young girl to bear!


Vanessa Hudgens – again, another young’in who has overdone their look.  Horrible!


Sophia Lauren – How can a Hollywood vet get it so wrong? Ms. Lauren looks like she’s made out of leather and the dress almost matches her skin color.  She should have passed on this dress!

Did he REALLY say THAT?

1 10 2008

Last night, the 3rd couple to be eliminated on Dancing With The Stars was Kim Kardashian and Mark Ballas.

As usual, the hosts conducted the “final interview” with the dancing partners who will be leaving the show and allowed them to say thier final goodbyes.  Kim’s dancing partner made a huge gaffe.  Check it out and see if you catch it…


Omg!  Why would someone say “I’m glad my Dad is still alive” when the person right next to them has a dead father?! Yikes!!  And did you see how quickly Tom Bergeron took the mike away from Kim’s partner after he made the “dad comment”. lol eek.