That beard has GOT to go!!

16 02 2009

Someone please give Joaquin Phoenix a weed wacker!  What a horrible look!

This bizarre clip unmistakeably demonstrates that Joaquin Phoenix is on something!   There’s much talk about this being a hoax…but if you look at Dave’s reaction when Joaquin sticks his gum underneath the desk, you can see he’s perturbed.  Another indication this was not a scripted act, is when Joaquin starts to become annoyed at the jokes, Letterman has to reassure him by saying, “we’re having fun….just relax”.   Letterman constantly praised Phoenix’s work and talent.  And what did the actor do?  Absolutely nothing but come off as an ungrateful ass.  Dave did great while he had nothing to work with.  As a talk-show guest, one can make a joke and still come off as charming and gracious.  Clearly not the case in this interview!  If this was an act, all it did was make Joaquin look foolish and rude.

Is it an act?

Is he on drugs?

What do you think?

Why the apology??

3 02 2009

Thank you Michael Phelps!

At least, now we know you are somewhat human and not completely amphibian! 

I don’t understand why people are making a big deal of his “partying” non-stop since his Olympic wins.  Please name 1 star athlete who hasn’t relished in the limelight!  Mikey P – no need to apologize.  You’re 23. INHALE!!