Her name is Lady GaGa and this is her Haus.

19 03 2009
Lady Gaga @ The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 13, 2009

Bubble Dreams: Lady Gaga @ The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 13, 2009

Ok, so I’m still in a state of awe and that’s why it has taken me so long to post a blog about Lady GaGa’s concert.  This past Saturday, the new pop tartlet performed her 2nd show of the Fame Ball Tour at the Wiltern in Los Angeles.   The performance was nothing short of amazing.  Her 1st stop took place the night prior in San Diego at the House of Blues.  This girl is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the Pop game.   The Fame Ball tour isn’t just any concert with a singer standing before an audience belting out songs from their album.  Lady GaGa & her very own creative team, the “Haus of GaGa” (close-knit friends of LG and all below the age of 26), put on a pop show mixed with technology, over-the-top costumes, stage props and short Andy Warhol-esque film clips.   She also ocasionally throws in story lines between songs that piece together the audience’s journey from beginning to end with avant garde artistic expressions such as, “Some say Lady Gaga is a lie, and they’re right: I am a lie, and every day I kill to make it true.”  Miss Gaga definitely leaves an imprint on your soul.  You’ll leave the show thinking about the entire performance for days – it’s a major assault on the senses!


Lady GaGa and her disco stick

Gaga is a true performance artist and the girl can sing!  No lip syncing for this lady, every song was performed live and she never broke away once from her futuristic robotic-like character throughout the show.  We were given access into the mind of GaGa and the performance art she was trying to convey with repeated references to the the future as if she were on a mission sent back 1,000 years earlier to give us a glimpse of what things are like in the year 3009.

At the end of the show, our favorite Lady got a surprise visit from close friend, celebrity blogger & self-proclaimed “Queen of all Media”, Perez Hilton.  He annointed her the new “Princess of Pop” and presented her with a plaque in honor of her song, “Just Dance”, reaching triple platinum status.  Lady GaGa was filled with emotion and let out a few tears in the process.  It was definitely a sincere moment and the crowd went wild with excitement.

Could it be true?  Will GaGa strip away the throne from Britney Spears as the new Princess of Pop?  We’ll just have to wait and see.  Perez may have got it right this time!

Here’s a video of  her intro leading into the first song of the night: “Paparazzi”.  FABULOUS!

The Oscars: Fashion hits!

23 02 2009



Angelina…need I say more?


The Hollywood newbie – Freida Pinto.  Scores with this dress!


Kate Winslet – looking better than ever.  Fit and fab.  Great hair too!


Anne Hathaway – flawless!


Robert Pattison – cleaned up from his everyday grungy look.  Very nice!


Penelope Cruz – looks like she came straight out of a fairy tale! So pretty!


Natalie Portman – so simple and elegant.  Beautiful!


Marisa Tomei – the train on that dress is killer!


SJP – looking great.  Dress looks perfect on her and we love the new darker locks!


Robert Downey Jr. – Finally looking cleaned up!  He even looks 10 years younger, very nice.


Miss Alicia Keys – the songstress was looking sultry and sophisticated tonight. A+++!

The (Fashion) winners

23 02 2009

They didn’t win Oscars, but they won in other categories!

Winner of the Hottest couple Award.

Brangelina!  Always looking perfect…


My number #1 pic of the night!  Winner of the Best Dressed award.

Heidi Klum was looking FIERCE on the carpet!! MEEEE-OW!! Very futuristic, yet elegant.  Love this look.

Miss Heidi also gets points for lighting up the joint.  Look at that radiant smile!  Other attendees should take a cue from her – you don’t have to be so mellowdramatic on the red carpet!  We love Heidi!

Update:  other blogs/websites have blasted this dress as one of the worst of the evening, but I still think it was the best.  Very fashion forward.  Not every dress has to be the typical ball gown…very boring!  Kudos to Heidi for changing things up a bit!

Winner of the WORST Dressed award goes to Whoopi Goldberg!  I’m sure she picked this outfit all on her own!


The winner of The Largest Bow to Ever Appear on a Dress award goes to Jessica Biel!



Winner of the Most Inappropriate Hatpiece to wear at an Awards Ceremony!  Phillip Seymour Hoffman is planning to hold up a liquor store later…

The Oscars: Fashion Don’ts!

23 02 2009

Absolutely tragic..

This dress reeks of Tina Knowles. B’s Momma always designs the most atrocious looking garbs! Poor Beyonce looks like a couch!


Mickey, always looking greasy and disheveled!


Simple is sometimes the best way to go. This dress is just too much for a young girl to bear!


Vanessa Hudgens – again, another young’in who has overdone their look.  Horrible!


Sophia Lauren – How can a Hollywood vet get it so wrong? Ms. Lauren looks like she’s made out of leather and the dress almost matches her skin color.  She should have passed on this dress!

The Redeem Team!

5 10 2008

After waiting and waiting and more waiting…I’m happy to say that my LA Dodgers finished off a three game sweep of the Chicago Cubs in the NLDS. For the first time in a loooong while **cough20yearscough**, the Dodgers have momentum, they have hope, and a LEGITIMATE chance to move into the World Series. I’m so excited!