Money & fame are not replacements for stupidity!

9 03 2009

Therefore, Rihanna is no exception to the senseless actions women commit when it comes to men and relationships.  Chris Brown beat her and that certainly wasn’t her fault.  But RiRi can easly leave him in a second.

Rihanna is a performer with plenty of fame and notoriety, but she’s still a 19 year-old girl with no experience in the real world.  She is also just like the thousands of other women who go back to their abusers.  Many domestic violence victims claim that they are forced to stay with their wife beaters because of money or there’s children involved..etc. 

I call bullshit!  Independent, co-dependent, educated and non-educated women alike have all fallen victim to this.  So this just proves that there definitely is a stupid gene in women and if you are unfortunate enough to have it – you’re screwed! 

TMZ has excerpts from the police report.   So disgusting!

That beard has GOT to go!!

16 02 2009

Someone please give Joaquin Phoenix a weed wacker!  What a horrible look!

This bizarre clip unmistakeably demonstrates that Joaquin Phoenix is on something!   There’s much talk about this being a hoax…but if you look at Dave’s reaction when Joaquin sticks his gum underneath the desk, you can see he’s perturbed.  Another indication this was not a scripted act, is when Joaquin starts to become annoyed at the jokes, Letterman has to reassure him by saying, “we’re having fun….just relax”.   Letterman constantly praised Phoenix’s work and talent.  And what did the actor do?  Absolutely nothing but come off as an ungrateful ass.  Dave did great while he had nothing to work with.  As a talk-show guest, one can make a joke and still come off as charming and gracious.  Clearly not the case in this interview!  If this was an act, all it did was make Joaquin look foolish and rude.

Is it an act?

Is he on drugs?

What do you think?

Did he REALLY say THAT?

1 10 2008

Last night, the 3rd couple to be eliminated on Dancing With The Stars was Kim Kardashian and Mark Ballas.

As usual, the hosts conducted the “final interview” with the dancing partners who will be leaving the show and allowed them to say thier final goodbyes.  Kim’s dancing partner made a huge gaffe.  Check it out and see if you catch it…


Omg!  Why would someone say “I’m glad my Dad is still alive” when the person right next to them has a dead father?! Yikes!!  And did you see how quickly Tom Bergeron took the mike away from Kim’s partner after he made the “dad comment”. lol eek.

The Russians are coming!!

26 09 2008

I can see the Russians coming and I’m still inside my house! VP here I come!