Who are these people?!

8 10 2008

I want to know who these undecided voters are. Where are they?? And most importantly: HOW CAN YOU BE UNDECIDED ABOUT CANDIDATES WHO’VE BEEN CAMPAIGNING FOR 2 FRIKKIN’ YEARS?!

I mean seriously, what are people waiting for? Ever since the primaries and up until this very day, McCain and Obama have been debating the same positions on the SAME issues. What else is there to say? Nothing more can be said. Are people waiting for an ephiphany to come to them in a dream? I have no idea what anyone could possibly be undecided about. I’m baffled.

Town Hall Style Debate

7 10 2008

If you missed debate #2, I’m going to tell you that…

You are still going to vote for McCain if you are a McCain supporter and you’re still gonna vote for Obama if you’re an obama supporter.
That’s it.

The Redeem Team!

5 10 2008

After waiting and waiting and more waiting…I’m happy to say that my LA Dodgers finished off a three game sweep of the Chicago Cubs in the NLDS. For the first time in a loooong while **cough20yearscough**, the Dodgers have momentum, they have hope, and a LEGITIMATE chance to move into the World Series. I’m so excited!


First Friday

4 10 2008

So I finally had the pleasure of checking out “First Friday” in San Antonio. Pretty cool, I must say. The Texas scene is starting to grow on me….just a little. Every first friday of the month, the San Antonio Arts District holds an art walk, filling Southtown area galleries with fresh art and the streets with patrons and perusers. The wall-to-wall art is definitely a sight to see. Throw in some live music, good vibes, artisans selling jewelry on the curb, and you got yourself a mini block party going on.

Nothing compared to So Cal, though. 😀

What can I say…you can take the girl out of L.A., but you can’t take the L.A. outta the girl 😉

Just say no

2 10 2008

A little reverse psychology to get the young vote..

Did he REALLY say THAT?

1 10 2008

Last night, the 3rd couple to be eliminated on Dancing With The Stars was Kim Kardashian and Mark Ballas.

As usual, the hosts conducted the “final interview” with the dancing partners who will be leaving the show and allowed them to say thier final goodbyes.  Kim’s dancing partner made a huge gaffe.  Check it out and see if you catch it…


Omg!  Why would someone say “I’m glad my Dad is still alive” when the person right next to them has a dead father?! Yikes!!  And did you see how quickly Tom Bergeron took the mike away from Kim’s partner after he made the “dad comment”. lol eek.